By Jean-Claude Mairal Once again, after Nice that resulted in 84 dead our country has been victim of an attack in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray. Faced with the horror we can only express sympathy and solidarity with the victims and their families. And let’s not forget all the other victims of attacks around the world, to whom we … Continue reading
The crisis in Spain and elsewhere has accelerated the emergence of a new social group , making it much more visible in the media and in social and political terms. But unions and the are failing to respond to their needs, argues Bruno Estrada* The crisis in Spain has accelerated the emergence of a new … Continue reading
By Nacho Goberna Spain is no country for old men. Maybe it was before, when today’s older generation were young, when shoulder to shoulder, with hope, they participated in building this society that we now share with them, or perhaps it will be again in the future when the time comes to leave behind the … Continue reading
Premier Mario Monti recently warned young Italians that they shouldn’t expect ‘a job for life’ which was ‘monotonous’. Other ministers have suggested young people in Italy were pampered and complained too much. This was all said in a bid to justify plans to further deregulate the labour market and pile more austerity upon austerity. For … Continue reading
IN BRIEF / ITALY Youth unemployment hits 30.1%, highest since January 2004, according to Istat statistics agency. The November 2011 figure is record. Overall jobless rises to 8.6%, highest since May 2010. The figures show the ‘total failure’ of policies led by the former right wing government of Silvio Berlusconi, policies that are being continued … Continue reading