Belgian political scientist and historian Eric Toussaint argues that the cancellation of Greece’s debt is necessary, but must be accompanied by changes to the rest of the economy and the unjust social and economic model if Greece is to build an alternative that will be in the interest of the people. Read his speech given to a Syriza youth festival in Athens earlier this month.
The people of Greece are in a desperate state. One only has to visit Athens to see the devastation being wreaked on ordinary people, while the rich continue much as before.
An imminent and very real danger is the rise of Golden Dawn. Ordinary people are turning to them in much the same way as they responded to Hitler and Mussolini because the main stream politicians have nothing to offer apart from more austerity.
If Greece is to survive it must reject the terms imposed by eurocapitalists and look at alternative socialist models – a good start would be to emulate Chavez and Morales.